RememberTag revolutionizes the funeral industry
A unique way to preserve memories
Our app is modern and easy to use. We release continuous updates to further improve our customer experience. We allow the memories of the deceased to live on forever and be shared with future generations.
Quick 5-minute setup, no downloads needed
Unlimited storage with profile privacy mode.
Made from weatherproof anodized aluminum.
We are established in the international market
RememberTag has already proven to be successful and established in the market. With a total of over 150.000 followers on social media and us being featured on TV, we have built a large community around the product. Add our RememberTag to your portfolio and benefit from its success.
Hundreds of satisfied customers
High profit margins
Premium quality material
Shareable across generations
Funeral services are usually expensive. Our product automatically has a high perceived value and will therefore be purchased at a high price.
Your customers are in an emotional state. They will see RememberTag as an even more appropriate option for their additional headstone because it also gives them a much more lasting value and supports them in their grief. The first sale is always the hardest, so RememberTag is an awesome upsell.
While analog memorials such as photos and old videos are only physically available once and photos can turn yellow, our product can be shared among families and anyone can write a tribute to the deceased.
How exactly will my customers set this up?
Are you ready to bring your business to the next level?
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